What's not allowed in product reviews?

Aug 22, 2018 14:18:37 PM Published in Product Reviews 619 Views.

Customer reviews should be relevant to the product in question. The product review section on CartLoot.com is for you to share your opinion on the product, and for other customers to research better and have an informed buying decision. CartLoot.com reserves the right to remove reviews that include any of the following:

- Irrelevant review (Review consisting of a combination of random characters, random words, repeated content, reviews on another product)
- Service feedback, including availability, order or payment related queries. You may use the Contact Us form for such queries
- HTML embedded in text references to other retailers
- Pricing related comments
- Personal information (Phone numbers, postal address, email address and others)
- Profane comments. Inflammatory comments. Copyrighted comments
- Plagiarised content (Any content found elsewhere on the internet, even if you're the original author)
- Promotional content
- Reviews by or on behalf of a person or company with a financial interest in the product or a competitors product (Reviews by authors, artists, publishers manufacturers without disclosure)
- Reviews written for any form of compensation
- Reviews given using fake ids, irrelevant user email ids 
- Asking for helpful votes
- Review in any language other than English (Unless there is a clear connection to the product, like a regional book or a regional music album)
- Feedback about errors in the product description
